25 foot Barracuda

Welcome to MyLastBoat:

Eduardono Panga

“The Most Versatile Boat You Will Ever Fish!” ™

Mylastboat.com takes great pride in being a distributor for Eduardono, one of the pioneering manufacturers of Panga boats located in Colombia, South America. Since the early 1970s, Eduardono has continued its enduring partnership with Yamaha, the company that introduced the Panga design, bridging continents from Asia to South America.

While numerous companies attempt to replicate or adapt the advantages of the Panga design, only a select few are true originals, and Eduardono stands out as the best of them.

Wouldn’t you prefer to own an authentic boat with a legacy of more than 75 years?

Panga fishing boats


MyLastBoat is proud to offer fishermen and families one of the most versatile boats a person could own. Whether you prefer extreme shallow water sight casting for redfish or trout or running offshore to the Bahamas, this is the boat that can do it all while being very fuel efficient.
This versatility was the goal of Yamaha.

Eduardono Panga Fishing Boats